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Developing explainable machine learning model using augmented concept activation vector
R. Zare Hassanpour; K. Oztoprak; C.P.M. Netten; A.L.J. Busker; M.S. Bargh; R. Choenni; B. Kizildag; L. Kilinc
Staging Atmospheres at the Church: Facilitating a Plurality of Perspectives through Multimodal Augmented Reality
Schrandt, Bernadette (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Grabbe, Lars C.; Rupert-Kruse, Patrick; Schmitz, Norbert M.
Evaluating ITER Remote Handling middleware concepts
Jarich Koning; C.J.M. Heemskerk (Lector); Pepijn Schoen (Onderzoeker); Daan Smedinga (Onderzoeker); Ton Boode (Associate Lector); D.T. Hamilton