WUNDER Use cases
Beekmans, L. (Student); Bouten, S. (Student); Giesbers, J.H.G.I.
Automated recording of cow brush visits in a commercial dairy farm setting
Hofstra, G. (Lid Lectoraat); Donkers; Houlebert; Terlien, M.T.J. (Lid Lectoraat); Roelofs, J.B.; Erp-van der Kooij, E. van (Lector)
Assessing the feasibility of using milk replacers as a substitute for cow’s milk in calf feeding among small- and medium-scale dairy farmers in Oyo State, Nigeria
Effiong, E. (Student); Baars, R.M.T.
Sustainability and opportunities of animal-free caseins
Świątkowska, Z. (Student); Wohltmann, K. (Student); Bakker, R.R.C.; Bont, F. de
Somatic cell count and bacteria count in Norwegian goat milk
Preveyraud, N. (Student); Steenhuisen, E.
Accessibility of bucket milking machines to smallholder dairy farmers in Kiambu county Kenya to mitigate against milk losses and maintain quality
Njau, W.R. (Student); Baars, R.M.T.
Reduction of food losses along the Meru avocado value chain in Kenya
Asekenye, H. (Student); Leyequién Abarca, E.
Post-harvest loss reduction in milk value chain
Katarama, M. (Student); Verschuur, C.M.
Analysis of food loss and waste in avocado value chain
Okech, E.A. (Student); Meer, P.J. van der
The potential contribution of value chain governance in the reduction of avocado production losses
Habineza, J.P. (Student); Eweg, H.P.A.