Towards the Integration of Cyber Security and Enterprise Architecture to Improve Cyber Risk Management
Nick Nieuwenhuis (Student)
Cocreative Llearning is more effective than direct instruction argument on basis of Hanna Arendt’s Vita Activa
Jong, F.P.C.M. de (Lector); Brande, K. van den (Onderzoeker); Bent, M. (Onderzoeker); Bernasco, C.; Monginho, R.
Oplossing voor waterkwaliteit Eshoffpolder
Volkert Kuijpers (Student)
Balancing Efficiency and Morale
Tudor Stoica (Student)
Tooluitbreiding met geautomatiseerde berekeningen voor lucht-water warmtepompen
Milan Karakhalil (Student)
Balancing continuity of care and home care schedule costs using blueprint routes
Yoram Clapper (Onderzoeker); René Bekker (Onderzoeker); J. Joost Berkhout (Onderzoeker); Dennis Moeke (Lector)
Silicon sampling: AI-powered personas offer new insights for market research but have limitations
Marieke van Vliet (Onderzoeker); Roberta Vaznyte (Student)
Energy Transition in Northern Netherlands
Oldenbroek, Bas; Psarra, Ifigeneia (Real Estate); van der Schoor, Tineke (Sustainable Built Environment); Tjahja, Cyril
De Last Mile Challenge
Enide Bogers (Lid Lectoraat); Bram Kin (Associate Lector); Marco Wolf (Lid Lectoraat); Charlotte Tillie (Lid Lectoraat)
Joint Interference and Power Minimization for Fault-Tolerant Topology in Sensor Networks
Moraes, Renato; Silva, Yngrith; Martins, Felipe (Sensors And Smart Systems); Lima Silva, Jair; Rocha, Helder Roberto Oliveira