Multi-dimensional deconstruction and theme evolution of China’s energy policy
X. Zang (Onderzoeker); T. Lv (Onderzoeker); X. Hou (Onderzoeker); X. Deng (Onderzoeker); Xiao Peng (Onderzoeker); N. Li (Onderzoeker)
Dancing with Mathematics: an interdisciplinary educational approach for embodied learning with motion-capture technologies
Karavakou, Myrto; Kynigos, Chronis; Palha, S. (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Robutti, Ornella; Soldano, Carlotta; Bagossi, Sara; Hornsby, David
The Non-Experts’ Experience of 3D City Visualisations
Spanjar, Gideon (Lectoraat Bouwtransformatie); Suurenbroek, Frank (Lectoraat Bouwtransformatie); Reynolds, Rachel
Emerging Industrial Internet of Things Open-Source Platforms and Applications in Diverse Sectors
Gavriel, (Stylianos) (Extern); Teeuw, (Wouter) (Lector); Gillani, (Ghayoor) (Extern); Ayele, (Eyuel) (Onderzoeker); Philimis, (Panayiotis ) (Extern); Ferreira Gonzalez, (Javier) (Associate Lector)
How do residents perceive energy-producing kites? Comparing the community acceptance of an airborne wind energy system and a wind farm in Germany
Schmidt, Helena; Leschinger, Valentin; Müller, Florian J.Y.; de Vries, Gerdien; Renes, Reint Jan; Schmehl, Roland; Hübner, Gundula
De meerwaarde van opkomende digitale technologie
Verhagen, Tibert (Lectoraat Emerging Technology For Business)
Homing wellness: can narrative design transform living spaces for people with dementia into engaging environments enabling communication?
Joost van Hoof; Loukia Minetou; Avraam Chatzopoulos; Anastasios Tzerachoglou; Georgios Priniotakis; Emmanouela Sfyroera; Zoe Georgiadou; Styliani Tyrovola; Christos Drosos
SUSTAIN : making space for transitions in art that matter (English version)
J.C. (Jacco) van Uden (Lector); Kim Caarls; Godelieve Spaas (Lector); Olga Mink; Marga Rotteveel; Tineke Abma; Kees Klomp; Tom Maassen; Marcel Kampman; Ine Mols; Dick Rijken; Vamba Sherif; Teun Vonk; Zeyneb Birsel; Margherita Soldati; Sandra Boer; Jetske Freeve; Verily Klaassen; Arne Hendriks; Edo Roos Lindgreen; Myriam Vandenbroucke
SUSTAIN : making space for transitions in art that matter (English version)
J.C. (Jacco) van Uden (Lector); Kim Caarls; Godelieve Spaas (Lector); Olga Mink; Marga Rotteveel
The Politics of Digital (Human) Rightslocked
Ben Wagner (Lector); Andy Sanchez (Onderzoeker); Marie-Therese Sekwenz; Sofie Dideriksen; Dave Murray-Rust