Exploring the concept of school belonging
Kylie Alink; Eddie Denessen; Gert-Jan Veerman (Lector); Sabine Severiens
Measuring the Concurrent Validity of the Athletic Skills Track Using Expert Judgment
Brocken, Johanna E.A.; van der Kamp, John; Wormhoudt, Rene; Lenoir, Matthieu L.; Savelsbergh, Geert J.P.
Analysis of the features important for the effectiveness of physical activity-related apps for recreational sports
Joan Dallinga; Mark Janssen; Jet van der Werf; Ruben Walravens; Steven Vos; Marije Deutekom
Analysis of the features important for the effectiveness of physical activity–related apps for recreational sports
Joan Dallinga; Mark Janssen; Jet van der Werf; Ruben Walravens; Steven Vos; Marije Deutekom