Zocht je misschien: function?
Center-based childcare during infancy
Hofstee, Marissa; Fukkink, Ruben G. (Lectoraat De Pedagogische Functie Van Onderwijs En Opvoeding); Endendijk, Joyce; Huijding, Jorg; van der Velde, Bauke; Deković, Maja
The effects of mHealth in geriatric rehabilitation on health status: A systematic review
Loes Oostrik (Onderzoeker); Marije Holstege (Onderzoeker); J.L. (Jorit) Meesters (Lector); Wilco Achterberg (Onderzoeker); Eléonore F. van Dam van Isselt (Onderzoeker)
Learning by the Visualization of a Nurse-Led Critical Care Outreach Service Using the Functional Resonance Analysis Method
Sabine op 't Hoog; M. Mersbergen-de Bruin; Nikki L.M. Damen; Wendy Chaboyer; Anne Marie Weggelaar-Jansen; A.M. Eskes; Lilian Vloet; Hester Vermeulen
Assessing personal recovery in individuals with severe mental illness
Wilma Swildens (Lector); Ellen Visser; Welmoed van Ens; Barbara Schaefer; Annet Nugter; Philippe Delespaul; Jaap van Weeghel; Mike Slade; Sarita A. Sanches
Trends and epidemiology of children treated in specialized burn centers in the Netherlands between 2009 and 2022
Dutch Burn Repository group
In Pursuit of Recovery
Violet van Dee; Wilma Swildens (Lector); Hugo G. Schnack; Wiepke Cahn
Conceptualisation and (Meta)modelling of Problem-Solution Chains in Early Business-IT Alignment and System Design
Stijn Hoppenbrouwers (Lector); Mark Mulder; Joris Sunnotel
Identification and quantification of physical activity in critically ill burn patients
Dikkema, Y; Mouton, L J; Gerrits, K W; Steen-Dieperink, M van der; Eshuis, J; van der Schans, C P (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Scholten-Jaegers, S M H J; Nieuwenhuis, M K (Functional Recovery And Quality Of Life After Burns); Niemeijer, Anuschka
Translation, cultural adaptation, and assessment of the linguistic and content validity of the PG-SGA to the Spanish linguistic setting by cancer patients and healthcare professionals
Fuchs-Tarlovsky, Vanessa; Velasco Gimeno, Cristina; Arias-Soberón, María Dolores; Silva-Sánchez, Cristopher; Álvarez-Altamirano, Karolina; Vedenne-Gutierrez, Fernand; Bejarano-Rosales, Mónica Patricia; Motilla de la Cámara, Marta; Castillo-Cruz, Juan; Cuerda Compés, Cristina; Ottery, Faith D; Jager-Wittenaar, Harriët (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing)
Clinimetric Properties of the Steep Ramp Test to Assess Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Its Underlying Physiological Responses, and Its Current Applications
Trul-Kreuze, Ingeborg (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Akkerman, Moniek; Kieboom, Eleonora A M; Nieuwenhuis, Marianne (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Houdijk, Han; Bongers, Bart