Dreaming of Modernism
Bram Schulp (Student)
Greening the dike revetment with historic sod transplantation technique in a living lab
Hoven, K. van den; Grashof-Bokdam, C.J.W.W.; Slim, P.A.; Wentholt, L.; Peeters, P.; Depreiter, D.; Koelewijn, A.R.; Stoorvogel, M.; Berg, M. van den; Kroeze, C.; Loon-Steensma, J.M. van (Lector)
The Green Hydrogen Economy: overcoming the obstacles
Kviatek, Beata (Application Of Hydrogen Within The Energy Transition)
Collective growth
Kharkhach, A. (Student); Schindele, B. (Student); Jaarsveld, L. van (Student); Helvoirt, B. van
Presentation about Interreg Europe project UNLOCK aims, issue addressed, KPIs, Work Plan and methods
Kviatek, Beata (Application Of Hydrogen Within The Energy Transition)
Gastcollege: Duurzaam groeien of ontgroeien?
Dommerholt, Egbert
Widespread market applications of plant-based foods in the EU
Kock, M. (Student); Medema, T.
Designing the lightest Solarboat hull using Flax Fibre - Sealander 3
Elia Mucavele (Student); Willem Haak (Docent); Marco Gatto (Docent)
Groene groei’ is nu het beleid, maar ook een heilloze weg
Dommerholt, Egbert