Zocht je misschien: informatica, information?
Entering the car park
Gerard Dummer (Onderzoeker); Elwin Savelsbergh (Lector); Paul Drijvers (Onderzoeker)
Automatic classification of short-answers for semi-structured open-ended questions with only a small dataset: A Master thesis
Stijn Smulders (Student)
Development and validation of a patient decision aid for prostate Cancer therapy
Anshu Ankolekar; Ben G. L. Vanneste; Esther Bloemen-van Gurp (Lid Lectoraat); Joep G. van Roermund; Evert J. van Limbergen; Kees van de Beek; Tom Marcelissen; Victor Zambon; Matthias Oelke; Andre Dekker; Cheryl Roumen; Philippe Lambin (Docent); Adriana Berlanga; Rianne Fijten
Observing abstraction in young children solving algorithmic tasks
Faber, Hylke (Diversity In Learning And Behavior); Boltjes-Koning, Josina; Wierdsma, Menno; Steenbeek, Henderien; Barendsen, Erik; Pozdniakov, S; Dagienė, V
Embedding persuasive design for self-health management systems in Dutch healthcare informatics education
Laurence Alpay (Associate Lector); Rob Doms (Lid Lectoraat); Harmen Bijwaard (Lector)
GSMS PhD Development Conference
de Groot, Martijn
Diagnosis-related groups and electronic nursing documentation
Müller-Staub, Maria; Paans, Wolter (Nursing Diagnostics)
BREAKING BARRIERS AND FIGHTING WINDMILLS: Strategies for attracting more women into higher ICT education in The Netherlands.
Drs Miranda Valkenburg
Integration versus isolation? Implementation strategies for ICT teaching in social work curricula.
Drs. J.M.H. Schrijen; Drs. H.J.M. van Lieshout (Docent)
Social Informatics: Beyond Technology, A Project in Schools of Social Work in the European Community
Jan Steyaert (Lector); Harmen Grebel (Docent)