Zocht je misschien: interprofessionele?
Optimizing palliative care education nationwide
Ingrid van Zuilekom; Jojanneke Thiesen – van Staveren; Marijke Dericks-Issing; Marieke van den Brand; Harmieke van Os‑Medendorp (Lector); Suzanne Metselaar
Feasibility of a new transmural care pathway for advance care planning for older persons
Jepma, Patricia; Eijk, Roel; Bos, Annigje A.E. (Lectoraat Geïntegreerde Complexe Zorg); Toet, Noor; Latour, Corine H.M. (Lectoraat Geïntegreerde Complexe Zorg); Buurman, Bianca M.; van Rijn, Marjon (Lectoraat Geïntegreerde Complexe Zorg)
Thuis Fit Voorbereid: De Kracht van Gepersonaliseerde Prehabilitatie
van der Sluis, Geert; Talen, Daniëlle
Kindcentrum Scan
Kassenberg, Annelies (Jeugd En Leefomgeving); Ooms, Marian; Nitert, Emma; Bonne, Zeilstra; Fukkink, Ruben
The essential factors in higher education
Laitinen-Väänänen, S.; Parjanen, S.; Hyypiä, M.; Cattaneo, A.; Jong, F.P.C.M. de (Lector)
Nurses’ Relational Leadership Struggles on Positioning in Strategic Hospital Crisis Management
Pieterbas Lalleman; Arjan Verhoeven; Erik van de Loo; Henri Marres
Optimizing palliative care education nationwide: a practice example from The Netherlands
Zuilekom, I. (Ingrid) van (Onderzoeker); Dericks-Issing, M. (Marijke) (Extern); Metselaar, S. (Suzanne) (Extern); Thiesen – van Staveren, J. (Jojanneke ) (Extern); Brand, M. (Marieke ) van den (Extern); Os-Medendorp, H. (Harmieke ) van (Extern); Os-Medendorp, H. (Harmieke ) van (Extern)
Turkish translation and validation of an interprofessional identity measure: EPIS-TR
Kolcu, Giray; İnci Başer Kolcu, Mukadder; Krijnen, Wim (Statistical Techniques For Applied Research); Reinders, Jan-Jaap (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing)
Interprofessional Management of (Risk of) Malnutrition and Sarcopenia
Boxum-Bergsma, Sandra (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); van Exter, Sabien H; Reinders, Jan-Jaap (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Koenders, Niek; Drenth, Hans (Short-Term Care And Inter Professional Cooperation In Frail Elderly); van den Berg, Manon; Tieland, Michael; Spoorenberg, Sophie; Finnema, Evelyn; van der Wees, Philip; Jager-Wittenaar, Harriët (Malnutrition And Healthy Ageing)