Short communications: Exploring temporal fluorescent changes in the composition of human semen stains
Achetib, Nihad; Danser, Susanne; Min, Kirsa; Köksal, Zehra; Aalders, Maurice C.G.; van Dam, Annemieke (Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek)
PATS#424110 Comprehensive Multidimensional GC and Pyrolysis-GC/MS for the Analysis of Integrated Circuit Package Materials
Teunis Hendrikus Scholten (Student)
Profiling acidic metabolites by capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry in low numbers of mammalian cells using a novel chemical derivatization approach
Marlien van Mever (Onderzoeker); Cornelius Willacey (Onderzoeker); Wei Zhang (Onderzoeker); Nicolas Drouin (Onderzoeker); Alphert Christina (Onderzoeker); Peter Lindenburg (Lector); Jaco van Veldhoven (Onderzoeker); Daan van der Es (Onderzoeker); Amy Harms (Onderzoeker); Thomas Hankemeier (Onderzoeker); Rawi Ramautar (Onderzoeker)
Setting up a non-invasive LC-MS platform for semi-quantification of steroid hormones in anurans
Wouter Kan (Student)
Passive sampling of volatile air pollutants
Enikör Dingemanse (Student); Rudi Herman (Begeleider); Tanja Moerdijk-Poortvliet (Docent); Simona Popovici (Docent)
Volatiles of bacteria associated with parasitoid habitats elicit distinct olfactory responses in an aphid parasitoid and its hyperparasitoid
Goelen, T.; Sobhy, I.S.; Boer, J.G. de (Lector); Delvigne, F.
Anthocyanins of basil leaves
Deineka, V.I.; Kulchenko, Yaroslava; Blinova, I.P.; Chulkov, A.N.; University, Belgorod
Chemical profiling of fingerprints using mass spectrometry
van Helmond, Ward; van Herwijnen, Annemijn W.; van Riemsdijk, Joëlle J.H.; van Bochove, Marc A.; de Poot, Christianne J. (Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek); de Puit, Marcel
Classification of condom lubricants in cyanoacrylate treated fingerprints by desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry
van Helmond, Ward; Begieneman, Mark P.V.; Kniest, Roos; de Puit, Marcel