Zocht je misschien: excellent, excellentie?
Personality characteristics of Dutch nurse anesthetists and surgical nurses when compared to the normative Dutch population, a quantitative survey study
Vermeulen, Marie-Anne A.P.; Hill, Jonah M. (Faculteit Gezondheid); van Vilsteren, Bart; Brandt-Hagemans, Shirley C.F.; van Loon, Fredericus H.J.
Personality Characteristics of Dutch Perioperative Healthcare Professionals When Compared to the Normative Dutch Population
Marie-Anne Vermeulen; Jonah Hill; Bart van Vilsteren; Shirley Brandt-Hagemans; Fredericus van Loon
The power of engagement: unleashing impact through the sales excellence onboarding
Julia Dragone (Student); Peter Raas (Docent); Vanessa Yazbek (Docent)
Tussen Passie en Compassie
Dons, Karolien; Bork, Magdalena; Perkins, Rosie; Shaughnessy, Caitlin; de Wit, Krista; Bezold, Laura; Smilde, Rineke; Sevindik, Beste
Final report WP4 educational materials
Dons, Karolien; de Wit, Krista
“Don’t forget Shakespeare”
Kegelaers, Jolan; Bakker, Frank; Oudejans, Raôul (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Kouwenhoven, Jan
Dons, Karolien (Music In Context); Xhomaqi, Anisa
ProMiMiC - Professional Excellence in Meaningful Music in Healthcare
Dons, Karolien (Music In Context); de Wit, Krista; van den Berg, Nina; Smilde, Rineke; Sevindik, Beste