The impact of carbon to nitrogen ratios and pH on the microbial prevalence and polyhydroxybutyrate production levels using a mixed microbial starter culture
Zhou, Wen; Colpa, Dana; Geurkink, Bert; Euverink, Gerrit Jan Willem; Krooneman, Janneke
In goed gezelschap
Visser, K. (Lector)
Evaluation of bone health in children with intractable epilepsy treated with the ketogenic diet on a long-term basis
Isabel van Ruijven (Student); Sanne Borckink
Do Dutch nutrition and dietetics students meet nutritional requirements during education?
van der Kruk, Joke; Jager, Harriët (Malnutrition And Healthy Ageing); Nieweg, Roos; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing)
Navy reforms and effective RDA in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Maria W.R. de Goeij (Student); M. (Marjo) van den Haspel (Begeleider)
Fiscaal innoveren: promotie of niet?
mr. A. el-Yalte (Docent); Drs. C. Penning-Hol (Docent)
Dutch nutrition and dietetic students are role models regarding their own dietary intake
van der Kruk, Joke; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Nieweg, Roos
Onderzoek naar real-time data acquisition
Olaf van Schaijk (Student); Adri Cornelissen (Begeleider)