Zocht je misschien: triangulatie?
Audit trail procedure
Bas Agricola (Onderzoeker)
Developing leadership in postdoctoral nurses: A longitudinal mixed-methods study
Lisa van Dongen; Shaun Cardiff (Onderzoeker); Manon Kluijtmans; Lisette Schoonhoven; Jan P.H. Hamers; Marieke J. Schuurmans; T.B Hafsteinsdóttir
Mission Impact
Bas van den Berg (Onderzoeker)
Legacy: participatory music practices with elderly people as a resource for the well-being of healthcare professionals
de Wit, Krista; Heineman, Erik
Reaching Potential Customers To Expand the Business in the Area of Greater London
G. Perez Donis (Student); M. Terlouw (Begeleider); Ingrid de Vries (Begeleider)
Patient-centered outcomes on quality of life and anthroposophic healthcare
Evi B. Koster (Onderzoeker); Erik Baars (Lector); Diana M.J. Delnoij (Onderzoeker)
Kwalitatief onderzoek naar werkomgeving en productiviteit
Lechner, Stefan (Facility Management)
Improving the validity of facility management research by use of interrater agreement
Lechner, Stefan (Facility Management); Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Alexander, K.