Fatherhood and Reoffending after Release from Prison
Venema, Simon; Dirkzwager, Anja; Haan, Marieke; Nieuwbeerta, Paul; Blaauw, Eric; Veenstra, René
Kennissessie Jongeren Woonlab
de Zwart, Bart; Daals, Silke
Lego serious play as a method to determine the sense of home in the nursing home
Joost van Hoof; Eveline Wouters (Lector)
Eye Care by Dutch Nursing Home Physicians
Marianne Sinoo (Lid Lectoraat); Jos Schols; Mirjam van Tilborg (Lid Lectoraat); Helianthe Kort (Lector)
The free movement principle and imbalance in intra-european student mobility
Nina J.M. de Korte (Student); P. (Pieter) Pijlman (Begeleider)
1e Prijs H/Link Afstudeerprijs 2015