Beroepsproduct adviesrapport Platform Achterhoek Food
Alyssa de Jongh (Student)
Collaborating for co-researching: A multi-stakeholder case narrative of student nurses co-researching technology-supported care
Shaun Cardiff; Shaun Cardiff; Teatske van der Zijpp; Hélène van den Nieuwenhoff; Marianne Nieboer; Marianne Nieboer
Investigating the experiences and vulnerabilities of women with disabilities to violence in Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria
Torhee, A.E. (Student); Arensbergen, P. van
Kanika Makhija (Student)
Measuring the intangible.
Alice Dimastrogiovanni (Student)
Thesis about the emptying process of water storage facilities in urban areas
Melvin Lisseveld (Student); Lukas Papenborg (Docent); Lennard Stigter (Begeleider)
Coolblue: Which advice can the Workbuddies team use to deal with a system transition and managing mailbox templates?
Julia Göncü (Student); Vanessa Yazbek (Docent); Leona van Straten (Begeleider)
The influence of precipitation, evaporation and animal burrows on the permeability of the dike's clay cover layer
Mihail-Asen Todorov (Student); Sondos Saad Shaaban (Docent); Hendrik Meuwese (Begeleider)
Medication shortages
Nova, S. van (Student); Rodenboog, J.