Decision-makers self-servingly navigate the equality-efficiency trade-off of free partner choice in social dilemmas among unequals
Snijder, Luuk L.; Stallen, Mirre (Lectoraat Armoede Interventies); Gross, Jörg
'What would my peers say?' Comparing the opinion-based method with the prediction-based method in Continuing Medical Education course evaluation.
Chua, Jamie S; van Diepen, Merel; Trietsch, Marjolijn D; Dekker, Friedo W; Schönrock-Adema, Johanna (Music In Context); Bustraan, Jacqueline
A randomized controlled trial of Golden Ratio, Feng Shui, and Evidence Based Design in healthcare
Zijlstra, Emma (Facility Management); van der Zwaag, Bart; Kullak, Sabine; Rogers, Ab; Walker, Dean; van Dellen, Sjoukje; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management)
The Non-Experts’ Experience of 3D City Visualisations
Spanjar, Gideon (Lectoraat Bouwtransformatie); Suurenbroek, Frank (Lectoraat Bouwtransformatie); Reynolds, Rachel
Effectiveness of trauma-focused art therapy (TFAT) for psychological trauma: study protocol of a multiple-baseline single-case experimental design
J. Heijman (Onderzoeker); Hans Wouters (Onderzoeker); Karin Alice Schouten (Onderzoeker); Suzanne Haeyen (Lector)
Is your employer branding strategy effective?
Hein, Antonia (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society); Elving, Wim (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society); Koster, Sierdjan; Edzes, Arjen (Regional Labour Market)
Collaborative Learning in Living Labs
van Ooijen-van der Linden, Linda (Lectoraat Higher Education Research And Innovation (Heri)); Griffioen, D.M.E. (Lectoraat Higher Education Research And Innovation (Heri))
Promoting explicit instruction of strategies for self-regulated learning: evaluating a teacher professional development program in primary education
P.H.M. Sins; R. de Leeuw; J. de Brouwer; E. Vrieling-Teunter
The efficacy of a blended intervention to improve physical activity and protein intake for optimal physical recovery after oncological gastrointestinal and lung cancer surgery, the Optimal Physical Recovery After Hospitalization (OPRAH) trial
de Leeuwerk, Marijke; de Groot, Vincent; Dam, Suzanne ten; Kruizenga, Hinke; Weijs, Peter (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging); Geleijn, Edwin; van der Leeden, Marike; van der Schaaf, Marike (Lectoraat Revalidatie In De Acute Zorg); Dickhoff, Chris; Besselink, Marc G.; Tuynman, Jurriaan B.; van Berge Henegouwen, Mark I.; Erdmann, Joris I.; Huijsmans, Rosalie J.; van der Ploeg, Hidde P.; Eskes, Anne M. (Lectoraat Patiënt- En Familieparticipatie In De Klinische Zorg); Pijnappels, Mirjam A.G.M.; van Leeuwen, Liesbeth Schuijs; Smits, Anke B.; van Dijk, Jasmijn; Grimbergen, Eva
First User Experiences and Well-being Effects of the NDSM Wharf Waterfront Transformation in Amsterdam
Spanjar, Gideon (Lectoraat Bouwtransformatie); Suurenbroek, Frank (Lectoraat Bouwtransformatie); Schramkó, Sába (Lectoraat Bouwtransformatie); Stolp, Regiena (Lectoraat Bouwtransformatie)