Developing explainable machine learning model using augmented concept activation vector
R. Zare Hassanpour; K. Oztoprak; C.P.M. Netten; A.L.J. Busker; M.S. Bargh; R. Choenni; B. Kizildag; L. Kilinc
Zero-Trust security model applied to smart shipping: towards a feasible architecture
M.S. Bargh; A. Omar; R. Choenni
Directions for enhancing the use of personal data minimization technology in public organizations
M.S. Bargh; H. Vlietinck; A. Amighi; A. Omar; S. Yang; N. Daniels; R. Choenni
Stereotypes in ChatGPT: an empirical study
A.L.J. Busker; R. Choenni; M.S. Bargh
Adaptive feature selection using an autoencoder and classifier: applied to a radiomics case
R. Zare Hassanpour; C.P.M. Netten; A.L.J. Busker; M.S. Bargh; R. Choenni
Towards an integrated approach for preserving data utility, privacy and fairness
M.S. Bargh; R. Choenni
Criminaliteit en rechtshandhaving 2021: ontwikkelingen en samenhangen
R.F. Meijer; D.E.G. Moolenaar; R. Choenni; S.W. van den Braak; C.P.M. Netten
On using privacy labels for visualizing the privacy practice of SMEs: challenges and research directions
M.S. Bargh; M. van de Mosselaar; P.W.M. Rutten; R. Choenni
A method for assessing the degree of openness of Semi-Open Data initiatives: applied to the justice domain
M.S. Bargh; R. Choenni; R.F. Meijer; S. Choenni
Data governance in smart cities: challenges and solution directions
R. Choenni; M.S. Bargh; A.L.J. Busker; C.P.M. Netten