Capabilities for Using Telemonitoring in Physiotherapy Treatment
van Westerhuis, Charlotte (Lectoraat Fysiotherapie - Transitie Van Zorg Bij Complexe Patiënten); Sanders, Astrid F; Aarden, Jesse J (Faculteit Gezondheid); Major, Mel E (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); de Leeuwerk, Marijke E; Florisson, Nadine; Wijbenga, Miriam H (Lectoraat Professioneel Redeneren En Gedeelde Besluitvorming); van der Schaaf, Marike (Lectoraat Revalidatie In De Acute Zorg); van der Leeden, Marike; van Egmond, Maarten A (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality)
Aligning interprofessional education and person-centred practice
Jorna-Lakke, Sandra; Kidritsch, Anita
INPRO; Results of the Erasmus+ interprofessional education and collaboration in practice; How transferring European promising practice to education and vice versa move interprofessional education and rehabilitation practice forward.
Jorna-Lakke, Sandra; Aerts, Ingrid
Podcast Minder uren, betere lessen? Aflevering 8: Inzet van andere experts: noodmaatregel of kwaliteitsimpuls
Snoek, Marco (Lectoraat Leren En Innoveren); Ex, Erik; Cijvat, C.C.
Collaborative approaches: studying horizontal and vertical working relations in schools and how they relate to collaborative-innovation practices
Angela de Jong (Onderzoeker); Renske de Kleijn (Onderzoeker); Ditte Lockhorst (Onderzoeker); Jan van Tartwijk (Onderzoeker); Mirko Noordegraaf (Onderzoeker)
Nursing students’ experiences with clinical placement as a learning environment for assertiveness:
Bril, Ivo; Boer, Hedwig J.; Degens, Nick; Fleer, Joke
Educational material toolkit - For educators
Virpi Remahl (Docent); Afke Kerkstra (Lid Lectoraat); Peter Downs; Vera Dekkers (Lid Lectoraat)
Oral Health Coaches at Well-Baby Clinics to Promote Oral Health in Preschool Children From the First Erupted Tooth
Peggy C.J.M. van Spreuwel (Onderzoeker); Katarina Jerković-Ćosić (Lector); Cor van Loveren (Onderzoeker); Geert J.M.G. van der Heijden (Onderzoeker)
Move Healthy Intellectual Output 1 Report
Benjaminse, Anne; de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); Mombarg, Remo (Sports Science)
Transforming Coach Education for the 21st Century
Thue Bjorndal, Christian; Toering, T.T. (Sports Science); Gjesdal, Siv; Petry, Karen; De Jong, Johan