Zocht je misschien: conceptual?
Developing an interprofessional identity complementary to a professional identity - findings related to Extended Professional Identity Theory (EPIT)
Reinders, Jan-Jaap (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Kolcu, Giray; Baser Kolcu, Inci
Speech and language therapists’ perceptions of contextual factors associated with communicative participation in children with developmental language disorders
Singer, Ingrid; Gerrits, Ellen; Gorter, Jan Willem; Luinge, Margreet (Language Function & Healthy Ageing)
A Scoping Review on the Influence of Contextual Factors on Training Load in Adolescent Soccer Players
Nijland, Rick (Sports Science); Toering, T.T. (Sports Science); Watson, Cameron; de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); Lemmink, Koen A.P.M.
Interventions that support novice nurses' transition into practice: a realist review
H.C. Melissant; R.R.A. Hendriks; E.J.M. Bakker; J.A.H.M. Kox; N. Rietveld; H.S. Miedema; P.D.D.M. Roelofs; K.J. Verhaegh
Reviewing the climatic impacts of product service systems: Implications for research and practice
Myrthe Velter (Onderzoeker)
Cultivating cities
Groothuismink, J. (Student); Körösi, K.
Differentiating instruction: Understanding the key elements for successful teacher preparation and development
Langelaan, Berber N. (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Gaikhorst, Lisa; Smets, Wouter; Oostdam, Ron J. (Lectoraat Maatwerk In Leren En Instructie)
The psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner as coordinating practitioner in the Netherlands: A multiple case study
Enzio R.K. Boeijen (Onderzoeker); Jan E. Sitvast (Onderzoeker); Nynke Boonstra (Onderzoeker); B.K.G. (Berno) van Meijel (Onderzoeker); Miranda G.H. Laurant (Lector); Anneke van Vught (Associate Lector)
CSI-CSI: Comparing several investigative approaches toward crime scene improvement
Knes, Anna S.; de Gruijter, Madeleine; Zuidberg, Matthijs C.; de Poot, Christianne J. (Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek)
Games to support teaching clinical reasoning in health professions education: a scoping review
Gilbert Koelewijn (Onderzoeker); Marije Hennus (Onderzoeker); Helianthe Kort (Lector); Joost Frenkel (Onderzoeker); Thijs van Houwelingen (Onderzoeker)