Unleashing creativity in people with Parkinson’s disease: a pilot study of a co-designed creative arts therapy
Bianca T.M. Spee; Nienke M. de Vries; Sara Zeggio; Marjoke Plijnaer; Jan-Jurjen Koksma; Annelien A. Duits; Thieme Stap; Gert Pasman; Suzanne Haeyen; Sirwan Darweesh; Julia Crone; Bastiaan R. Bloem; Matthew Pelowski
Designing eHealth interventions for children with complex care needs requires continuous stakeholder collaboration and co-creation
van de Riet, Liz; Aris, Anna M.; Verouden, Nick W. (Lectoraat Creative Media For Social Change); van Rooij, Tibor; B.M. van Woensel, Job; van Karnebeek, Clara D.; W. Alsem, Mattijs
What Does AI Teach Us About Education?
Callum Philbin
The self-production economy
P. Troxler
In Circles: Performance. Philosophy. Animals. Equality
Laura Cull O Maoilearca (Lector)
Effects of a philosophy classroom dialogue intervention on students' value-loaded critical thinking
Rombout, Floor (Lectoraat Burgerschapsonderwijs); Schuitema, Jaap; Volman, Monique
ChatGPT in Classrooms: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities for Business and Education
Nikos Misirlis (Onderzoeker); Harris Bin Munawar (Docent)
Teaching Composition in the 21st Century
Marijn Simons (Student); Kathinka Poismans (Begeleider)
Designing an interactive, creativity-fostering mobile cart
Evenboer, M (Mirthe) (Student)
Curious hands. space + sound in learning making
Lehmann, Ann-Sophie; van 't Hoogt, Vanessa; Buurke, Imka; Bisschop Boele, Evert