AI-Driven Enhancements for Handover in Visible Light Communication Systems
Camporez, Higor; Segatto, Marcelo; Silva, Jair; Deters, Jan Kleine (Sensors And Smart Systems); Wörtche, Heinrich (Sensors And Smart Systems); Rocha, Helder; Da Silva Costa, Wesley (Sensors And Smart Systems)
Towards Onsite Age Estimation of Semen Stains Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Achetib, Nihad; Leemberg, Caren C.; Geurts, Mathijs M. P.; Bloemen, Paul R.; van den Elzen, Richard M.; Aalders, Maurice C. G.; van Dam, Annemieke (Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek)
Machine Learning Method and Visible Light-Based Sensors for Multiinterface Level Measurement
Rocha, Helder; Natale, Ricardo; Estevão, Arthur C.; Louzada, Danilo M.; Leal-Junior, Arnaldo G.; Abou Dargham, Sara (Sensors And Smart Systems); Wörtche, Heinrich (Sensors And Smart Systems); Lima Silva, J.A.
Increasing the reach of visible light communication links through constant-envelope OFDM signals
Camporez, Higor; Pontes, Maria; Segatto, Marcela; Rocha, Helder; Silva, Jair; Hinrichs, Malte; Paraskevopoulos, Anagnostis; Jungnickel, Volker; Freund, Ronald; Da Silva Costa, Wesley (Sensors And Smart Systems)
µPlasma Patterning and Inkjet Printing to enhance localized wetting and mixing behaviour
Dr. Ir. M.H.A. van Dongen (Docent)
The properties of E-field sheets
S.D. Timmer (Student); A.M. Notenboom (Begeleider); C.A. Swarts (Begeleider)