Nieuwsbrief Diversiteitsvraagstukken #10
Machteld de Jong (Lector)
Effectiveness of Teaching & Learning Practices in Finance for International Business Students
Grabovets, Kateryna
Dancing on a tightrope: uncertainty, risk perception and trust relationships in the live music industry
M. Mulder; E. Hitters
Scaling-up community-based resource management in Solomon Islands
Ploeg, J. van der (Lector); Sukulu, M.; Govan, H.; Eriksson, H.
Inspiratory muscle training for mechanically ventilated patients in the intensive care unit
Major, Mel E. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Sommers, Juultje; Horrevorts, Esther; Buist, Carmen M.; Dettling-Ihnenfeldt, Daniela S.; van der Schaaf, Marike (Lectoraat Revalidatie In De Acute Zorg)
Local object names at the Wereldmuseum
Imke Joling (Student); Marijke Kunst (Begeleider); Mirjam Shatanawi (Begeleider)
Coolblue: Which advice can the Workbuddies team use to deal with a system transition and managing mailbox templates?
Julia Göncü (Student); Vanessa Yazbek (Docent); Leona van Straten (Begeleider)
Lessons learned from 10 years of wind tunnel tests on small wind turbines designed by students
Schepers, Gerard (Wind Energy); Adema, Niels (Wind Energy); Lipian, M; Kulak, M; Shahid, A; Best, A; Bendre, T; Gallicchio, I; Elsabbagh, A; Mostafa, A; Kim, T; Mikkelsen, R; Gaunnaa, M; Teuwen, J.J.E.; Rudolf, R.T.; Wood, D; Holierhoek, J.G.
Bringing innovative MedTech devices to the USA: Research into the US healthcare sector
Matt Barlow (Student)
Nominatie Haagse Hogeschool Afstudeerprijs 2024A blueprint for what? From a critical policy discursive analysis of UN’s sustainable development goals to a constructive rearticulation for their application
Nicolina Montesano Montessori (Onderzoeker); Alexander Lautensach (Onderzoeker)