Research and development of geopolymer tiles made with alginates
Koen Hulsinga (Student); Tina Suvorov (Docent); Marianna Ansiliero de Oliveira Coelho (Begeleider)
Geopolymer concrete tiles with the use of fly ash and steel slag and natural fibers as partial aggregate replacement
Gonzalo Tarrero (Student); Tina Suvorov (Docent)
Asset management research project
Mikita Statiev (Student); Marco Gatto (Docent); Sondos Saad Shaaban (Begeleider)
Stabilizing Clayey Soil using plastic waste materials
Hazem Hedia (Student); Christophe Egyed (Docent); Marco Gatto (Docent); Hamdy Hedia (Begeleider); Essam Hedia (Begeleider)
The possibility of replacing stones with mycliume composites
Sherif Ghaly (Student); Vana Tsimopoulou (Docent)
Molecular insights into human taste perception and umami tastants: A review
Johan Diepeveen (Student); Tanja C.W. Moerdijk-Poortvliet (Onderzoeker); Feike R. van der Leij (Lector)
Molecular insights into human taste perception and umami tastants: a review
Johan Diepeveen (Onderzoeker); Tanja Moerdijk-Poortvliet (Onderzoeker); Feike van der Leij (Onderzoeker)
Practical guidelines for designing recycling, collaborative, and scalable business models: A case study of reusing textile fibers into biocomposite products
Martina, Richard A.; Oskam, Inge F.
Diagonal tensile tests on historical brick masonry wallets strengthened with fabric reinforced cementitious mortar
Bal, Ihsan Engin (Earthquake Resistant Structures); Ilki, Alper; Balci, Irem A.; Ispir, Medine; Mezrea, Pelin E.
Finite element modelling of carbon fiber - carbon nanostructure - polymer hybrid composite structures
Georgantzinos, Stelios K.; Markolefas, Stylianos I.; Mavrommatis, Stamatis A.; Stamoulis, Konstantinos (Lectoraat Aviation Engineering)