Comparing the procurement and tendering process for electric buses in the Utrecht and Hamburg region
Marjoke de Boer (Onderzoeker); Martijn Rietbergen (Onderzoeker); Nicolas Restrepo Lopez (Onderzoeker); Stephanie Keßler (Onderzoeker); David Eerdmans (Onderzoeker)
A digital euro for the people
Adua Dalla Costa (Onderzoeker); Tristan Dissaux (Onderzoeker); Aleksandar Simic (Onderzoeker); M.J. (Martijn Jeroen) van der Linden (Lector); Vicky Van Eyck (Onderzoeker)
Employer branding for businesses in the private sector seeking for skilled employees
Ellen J. Terpstra (Student)
Is there a future for D-reizen?
Natasja Rensen (Student); W.M.J. van Leeuwen (Begeleider)
Generating inwards tourism by improving the brand knowledge and brand image, through communicating associations favored by the target group reflecting the city brand of Bratislava
Suzanne Jellema (Student); Maria Poulaki (Begeleider)
Export Policy Plan for Colgate-Palmolive
J. Veldman (Begeleider); Chantal Joemratie (Student)