Importance analysis of psychosociological variables in frailty syndrome in heart failure patients using machine learning approach
Aleksandra H. Pasieczna; Remigiusz Szczepanowski; Janusz Sobecki; Radosław Katarzyniak; Izabella Uchmanowicz; Robbert Gobbens (Lector); Aleksander Kahsin (Begeleider); Anant Dixit
The Subjective Component of the Dutch Objective Burden Inventory
Grant, Joan S; Graven, Lucinda J; Wang, Danny; Luttik, Marie Louise (Family Care); Azuero, Andres
Telemonitoring for patients with chronic heart failure: a best practice for nurses
Loes Bulle-Smid (Lid Lectoraat); Marloes Bults; Olga Kruit; Marjolein den Ouden; Marike Hettinga (Lector)
How can Activity Trackers be Useful?
Paans, Wolter (Nursing Diagnostics); Sprenger, Siska (Nursing Diagnostics)
Physical, Psychological and Social Frailty Are Predictive of Heart Failure
Izabella Uchmanowicz; Aleksandra H. Pasieczna; Monika Wójta-Kempa; Robbert Gobbens (Lector); Agnieszka Młynarska; Kenneth M. Faulkner; Michał Czapla; Remigiusz Szczepanowski
The nurse-coordinated cardiac care bridge transitional care programme: a randomised clinical trial
Jepma, Patricia; Verweij, Lotte; Buurman, Bianca M.; Terbraak, Michel S.; Daliri, Sara; Latour, Corine H.M. (Lectoraat Geïntegreerde Complexe Zorg); ter Riet, Gerben; Karapinar-Çarkit, Fatma; Dekker, Jill; Klunder, José L.; Liem, Su-San; Moons, Arno H.M.; Peters, Ron J.G.; Scholte op Reimer, Wilma J.M.
Original research: Prediction models for hospital readmissions in patients with heart disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Van Grootven, Bastiaan; Jepma, Patricia; Rijpkema, Corinne; Verweij, Lotte; Leeflang, Mariska; Daams, Joost; Deschodt, Mieke; Milisen, Koen; Flamaing, Johan; Buurman, Bianca
The nurse-coordinated cardiac care bridge transitional care programme
Patricia Jepma (Onderzoeker); Lotte Verweij (Onderzoeker); Bianca M Buurman (Onderzoeker); Michel S Terbraak (Onderzoeker); Sara Daliri (Onderzoeker); Corine HM Latour (Onderzoeker); Gerben ter Riet (Onderzoeker); Fatma Karapinar-Çarkit (Onderzoeker); Jill Dekker (Onderzoeker); José L Klunder (Onderzoeker); Su-San Liem (Onderzoeker); Arno HM Moons (Onderzoeker); Ron JG Peters (Onderzoeker); Wilma JM Scholte op Reimer (Onderzoeker)
The performance of the Dutch Safety Management System frailty tool to predict the risk of readmission or mortality in older hospitalised cardiac patients
Patricia Jepma (Onderzoeker); Lotte Verweij (Onderzoeker); Arno Tijssen (Onderzoeker); Martijn W Heymans (Onderzoeker); Isabelle Flierman (Onderzoeker); Corine HM Latour (Onderzoeker); Ron JG Peters (Onderzoeker); Wilma JM Scholte op Reimer (Onderzoeker); Bianca M Buurman (Onderzoeker); Gerben ter Riet (Onderzoeker)