Optimizing palliative care education nationwide
Ingrid van Zuilekom; Jojanneke Thiesen – van Staveren; Marijke Dericks-Issing; Marieke van den Brand; Harmieke van Os‑Medendorp (Lector); Suzanne Metselaar
Collaborating for co-researching: A multi-stakeholder case narrative of student nurses co-researching technology-supported care
Shaun Cardiff (Onderzoeker); Teatske van der Zijpp (Lector); Hélène van den Nieuwenhoff (Onderzoeker); Marianne Nieboer (Onderzoeker)
Attitudes of support people
Piekema, Lotte; Ten Brug, Annet; Waninge, Aly (Participation And Health Of Persons With Intellectual And Visual Disabilities); Van der Putten, Annette
Measuring the relationship between reciprocity behaviour and technology readiness of nursing staff working in residential care and community nursing
Coffetti, Elvira (Reciprocity In Learning Networks); Paans, Wolter (Nursing Diagnostics); Krijnen, Wim P (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Roodbol, Petrie F; Finnema, Evelyn J; Zuidersma, Jelly (Reciprocity In Learning Networks)
Local object names at the Wereldmuseum
Imke Joling (Student); Marijke Kunst (Begeleider); Mirjam Shatanawi (Begeleider)
Implementing Product-Service System Business Models in the Building and Construction Sector
Mattijssen, Philippe; Johannes, Koos (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap); Wakkee, Ingrid
Indiandribble: how can indiandribble market their rental spaces and adapt their business model to ensure efficiency and profitability of their rental services?
Josje Irankunda (Student); Kjersti Ehrie (Docent); Bernard Polet (Begeleider)
Threefold Brand Awareness & Differentiation Strategy for HELLO SPACE
Siyana Marinova (Student); Vanessa Yazbek (Docent); Stephanie Velichkova (Begeleider)
How can SEO processes be internalized to enhance efficiency and client satisfaction?
Katica Frei (Student); Marijke Greijdanus-Vennik (Docent); Csenge Várszegi (Begeleider)
Design-Based-Research on Waterstones Amsterdam: enhancing in-shop bookstore experience
Edwina Lombardo (Student)