Zocht je misschien: indonesia?
Learning environments for multi-stakeholder participation in water management
Fliervoet, J.M. (Lector); Witteveen, L.M. (Lector); Roosmini, D.; Geerling, G.; Nastiti, A.; Mansoor, A.
Social imaginaries methods and socio-engineering competences in sustainable river management (a case study in the living lab Upper Citarum)
Roosmini, D.; Witteveen, L.M.; Mayangsari, I.D.; Nastiti, A.; Botden, T.
Living Labs for sustainable agriculture
Eweg, H.P.A. (Lector)
Reflecting on four Living Labs in the Netherlands and Indonesia
Witteveen, L.M. (Lector); Eijk, P.J. van (Lector); Fliervoet, J.M. (Lid Lectoraat); Roosmini, D.
Melaleuca trees for sustainable livelihoods in Gohong Village
Fluiter, S. de (Student); Meer, P.J. van der
Pre-certification conditions of independent oil palm smallholders in Indonesia
Vos, R.E. de; Suwarno, A.; Slingerland, M.; Meer, P.J. van der (Associate Lector); Lucey, J.M.
Domestication of Euterpe oleracea (Arecaceae ) to provide food from peatlands
Lestari Tata, H.; Rachmanadi, D.; Suwarno, A.; Meer, P.J. van der (Associate Lector); Hein, L.
Dilemmas and avenues of digital interaction and distance in the living labs Upper Citarum and Enrekang
Roosmini, D.; Witteveen, L.M. (Lector); Lairing, N.; Mayangsari, I.D.
Social media marketing to increase sales
Kim Zwemer (Student); Johan Weggemans (Docent); Etienne Veldhuis (Docent); Sofia Renner (Begeleider)