Prosocial preferences can escalate intergroup conflicts by countering selfish motivations to leave
Snijder, Luuk L; Gross, Jörg; Stallen, Mirre (Lectoraat Armoede Interventies); De Dreu, Carsten K W
The key factors influencing the livelihood strategies of internally displaced people in camps in Marib City District, Yemen
Al-Muallem, M. (Student); Velde, J.H. te
Strategic foresight and barriers: the application of scenario planning in SMEs
M. Cornelisse; H.A. van Klink
Are current efforts to prevent grooms from leaving the industry effective?
Ole, S.L. (Student); Wolframm, I.A.
Professional competencies for sexuality and relationships education in child and youth social care: A scoping review
van der Gaag, Renske Sanne; Walpot, Mirjam Gisella Gwendolyn; Boendermaker, Leonieke (Lectoraat Jeugdzorg)
Reframing Communication about Fall Prevention Programs to Increase Older Adults’ Intentions to Participate
Meike van Scherpenseel (Onderzoeker); Lidia van Veenendaal (Onderzoeker); Saskia te Velde (Onderzoeker); Elise Volk (Onderzoeker); Di-Janne Barten (Onderzoeker); Cindy Veenhof (Lector); Mariëlle Emmelot-Vonk (Onderzoeker); Amber Ronteltap (Onderzoeker)
Leaving the Crow’s Nest: How Creative Co‐Creation Transcends “Us‐Versus‐Them” Experiences of Dutch Refugee Students
Hanke Drop (Onderzoeker); Peter Hendriks (Onderzoeker); Oumar Barry (Onderzoeker); Rania Abdulsattar (Onderzoeker)
Embodied technology-assisted musical creativity and living with dementia
Jennifer MacRitchie (Onderzoeker); Justin Christensen (Onderzoeker); Jonathan Pigrem (Onderzoeker); Michael Neokleous (Onderzoeker); Renee Timmers (Onderzoeker); Andrew McPherson (Onderzoeker); Luc de Witte (Lector)
Towards Climate Resilient Freight Transport in Europe
Frans Bal (Onderzoeker); Jaap Marinus Vleugel (Onderzoeker)
The vulnerability to flash floods from the perception of the people in the Safende district
Anoushik Sayyad-Hartounian