Effectiveness and experiences of the SMILES' Workshops
E. I. (Elke) Müller (Onderzoeker); Anne-Katelijne Rotteveel (Onderzoeker)
Can Marketing Increase Willingness to Pay for Welfare-Enhanced Chicken Meat? Evidence from Experimental Auctions
Lenka van Riemsdijk (Onderzoeker); Paul T.M. Ingenbleek (Onderzoeker); Hans C.M. van Trijp (Onderzoeker); Gerrita van der Veen (Lector)
Learning and Knowledge Transfer of Professionals within the Building Services Sector
L.C.M. (Laure) Itard (Lector); Marcus Specht (Onderzoeker); E. (Ellen) Sjoer (Lector); Wim Zeiler (Onderzoeker)
Building from the Bottom Up
Laura Stevens (Onderzoeker)
Principals and Suggestions for Sustainable Materials Management within Facility Management
Frans Joosstens (Onderzoeker); K.A. (Kim) Poldner (Lector)
Erasmus+ Project SMILES baseline study part 3
A.A.J. (Jos) van Helvoort (Lid Lectoraat)
Strategy to improve the effectiveness of online marketing for Swedish stallion stud farms
Peveling, L. (Student); Smit, D.
The role of tracking the performance of digital marketing in improving decision-making
Mihaela Kracholova (Student); Ingrid de Vries (Docent); Hanna Schultz (Begeleider)
An effective Ocean Bottle’s web design to engage European millennials
Lysaifeni Wout (Student); Agota Szabo (Begeleider)
Effectiveness of educational approaches for elementary school pupils (11 or 12 years old) to combat fake news
A.A.J. (Jos) van Helvoort (Lid Lectoraat); M.A.L.E. (Marianne) Hermans