Zocht je misschien: nature?
Alley Up
Danny Ketelaars (Student)
Co-creation in a quintuple helix
Meister-Broekema, Peter (Living Environment In Transition)
Perceived effects of drama therapy in people diagnosed with personality disorders: A qualitative study
Emilia Gruijter de (Onderzoeker); Hans Wouters (Onderzoeker); Suzanne Haeyen (Lector)
Recognizing the Algorithmic Literacy of Users in XAI - An Example-Based Approach
Katja Pott (Onderzoeker); Aletta Smits (Onderzoeker); Doris Agotai (Onderzoeker)
Towards responsible use of artificial intelligence in daily practice: what do physiotherapists need to know, consider and do?
M.C. Scheper; M. van Velzen; N.L.U. van Meeteren
The Emerging Landscape of Urban Upcycling: identifying manifestations in a city context
van Hees, Marco (City Net Zero); Oskam, Inge (Lectoraat Circulair Ontwerpen En Ondernemen); Bocken, Nancy
Examining in-class activities to facilitate academic achievement in higher education
Brink, Henk Willem; Loomans, Marcel G.L.C.; Mobach, Mark P.; Kort, Helianthe S.M.
The Content and Sources of Breastfeeding Knowledge for New Mothers in the Netherlands
Oosterhoff, Alberta T.; Sellen, Daniel; Haisma, Hinke
Digital health interventions to improve eating behaviour of people with a lower socioeconomic position: a scoping review of behaviour change techniques
Amber Ronteltap (Onderzoeker); Andrea J. Bukman (Onderzoeker); Gera E. Nagelhout (Onderzoeker); Roel C.J. Hermans (Onderzoeker); Karen Hosper (Onderzoeker); Annemien Haveman-Nies (Onderzoeker); Remko Lupker (Onderzoeker); Catherine A.W. Bolman (Onderzoeker)