Fodder cultivation
Mohamed, M.I. (Student); Rooij, J.H.M. van
Understanding the coping strategies of Maasai youth pastoralists towards the impacts of drought in Isinya sub-county, Kenya
Gichuhi, M.N. (Student); Vuijk, J.A.
Assessing the effect of drought on agro-pastoralists livelihood
Wardhere, M.M.A.H. (Student); Batjes-Sinclair, K.M.
Constraints of urban and peri-urban agriculture in achieving sustainable household dietary diversification
Auren, A.A. (Student); Nederlof, E.S.
The mood is the root
Fedder, T. (Student); Stern, C. (Student); Oost, B. van; Siebel, T.; Dinteren, G.M. van
Assessing the vulnerability of pastoral communities to food insecurity in the face of climate change
Atodu, G. (Student); Uffelen, J.G. van
Pastoralists and craftswomen groups in Mongolia : socio-economic viability of a chain network for handicraft production
Gungaa, M. (Student); Verschuur, M.
Pastoralists susceptibility to HIV infection: a study based on Shindle District, Somali, Region, Ethiopia
Gebremariam, T.A. (Student); Koucher, A.
Pastoralists susceptibility to HIV infection : a study based on Shinile district, Somali region, Ethiopia
Gebremariam, T.A. (Student); Koucher, A.