Clinimetric Properties of the Steep Ramp Test to Assess Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Its Underlying Physiological Responses, and Its Current Applications
Trul-Kreuze, Ingeborg (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Akkerman, Moniek; Kieboom, Eleonora A M; Nieuwenhuis, Marianne (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Houdijk, Han; Bongers, Bart
Evaluating changes in the well-being of older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic
Besselink, Djoeke (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Herber, Gerrie-Cor M; van der Lucht, Fons (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Sealy, Martine J (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Krijnen, Wim P (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Jager-Wittenaar, Harriët (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Finnema, Evelyn J
Expectations and Experiences of Participating in a Supervised and Home-Based Physical Exercise Intervention in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer during Chemoradiotherapy
Kok, Annemieke; Passchier, Ellen; May, Anne M; Jager-Wittenaar, Harriët (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Veenhof, Cindy; de Bree, Remco; Stuiver, Martijn M; Speksnijder, Caroline M
Reframing Communication about Fall Prevention Programs to Increase Older Adults’ Intentions to Participate
Meike van Scherpenseel (Onderzoeker); Lidia van Veenendaal (Onderzoeker); Saskia te Velde (Onderzoeker); Elise Volk (Onderzoeker); Di-Janne Barten (Onderzoeker); Cindy Veenhof (Lector); Mariëlle Emmelot-Vonk (Onderzoeker); Amber Ronteltap (Onderzoeker)
Healthy development of children: a spiral of (dis)engagement?
den Uil, A.R. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Busch, V.; Janssen, M. (Lectoraat Bewegen In En Om School); Scholte, R.H.J.
Effects of exercise during chemotherapy for breast cancer on long-term cardiovascular toxicity
Naaktgeboren, Willeke R.; Stuiver, Martijn M. (Lectoraat Functioneel Herstel Bij Kanker); Van Harten, Wim H.; Aaronson, Neil K.; Scott, Jessica M.; Sonke, Gabe; Van Der Wall, Elsken; Velthuis, Miranda; Leiner, Tim; Teske, Arco J.; May, Anne M.; Groen, Wim G.
Evaluation of a participatory physical activity promotion intervention in Dutch adolescents: the SALVO study
van de Kop, Joannis H. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Busch, Vincent; Nauta, Joske (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); den Uil, Anne R. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Toussaint, Huub M.; Dierx, John A.J.; Verhoeff, Arnoud P.; Janssen, Mirka (Lectoraat Bewegen In En Om School)
Barriers and facilitators for physical activity in rheumatic and musculoskeletal disease
Metsios, George S.; Fenton, S. A. M.; Tzika, K.; Moe, R. H.; Fragoulis, G. E.; Vlieland, T. P. M. Vliet; Nikiphorou, E.; Van den Ende, C. H. M.; Fatouros, I.; van der Esch, M. (Lectoraat Interdisciplinaire Zorg Voor Chronische Gewrichtsaandoeningen); Niedermann, K.; Stavropoulos-Kalinoglou, A.; van Zanten, J. J. C. S. Veldhuijzen; Brodin, N.; O’Brien, C. M.; Koutedakis, Y.; Kennedy, N.; Swinnen, T. W.; Bostrom, C.; Kitas, G. D.
Monitoring physical impact and recovery of pancreatic cancer treatment using consumer wearable health data
van der Schans, Cees P (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); van der Schans, Simon; van der Schans, Jurjen; Mylius, Caspar (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Klaase, Joost
Age-dependent relationships between children’s motor competence, physical activity, perceived motor competence, physical fitness and weight status
den Uil, Anne R. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Janssen, Mirka (Lectoraat Bewegen In En Om School); Busch, Vincent; Kat, Ilse T. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Scholte, Ron H.J.