Game-Based Learning to Elicit and Improve Value Creation in Learning Communities
Braad, Eelco (Human Centered Technologies); Veltman, Marieke; Bos, Peter; Plass, Danny; De Vries, Sjoerd
Exploring the problem-solution space for impact-driven collaborative public-private innovation networks
A. Greco; F.T.H.M. Berkers; A. Kerstens
Place of Merging
Amir Shokouhi Heris (Student)
Tourism Interventions
Roos Gerritsma (Associate Lector); Donagh Horgan (Onderzoeker)
Cultivating cities
Groothuismink, J. (Student); Körösi, K.
Paradise for Starters
Fido Melskens (Student)
Mapping spatial opportunities for urban climate adaptation measures in public and private spaces using a GIS-based Decision Support Model
Roest, Allard; Weitkamp, Gerd; Van den Brink, Margo; Boogaard, Floris
Design guidelines for the monetary and financial system in the digital age
M.J. (Martijn Jeroen) van der Linden (Lector)
Effects of lactation room quality on working mothers’ feelings and thoughts related to breastfeeding and work
van Dellen, Sjoukje; Wisse, Barbara; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management)
Concerns of Owner‐Occupants in Realising the Aims of Energy Transition
Mieke Oostra (Lector); Nelleke Nelis (Onderzoeker)