Motives for voluntary entrepreneurial exits and corresponding pathways
M. Cornelisse; B. Rietdijk; L.M.M. van der Knaap
Monitoring and Evaluating Workforce Digital Transformation Skills Mastery : The Development and Validation of a Comprehensive Skills Assessment Instrument
Machiel Bouwmans (Onderzoeker); Marissa Orlowski (Onderzoeker); Ran Zhang (Onderzoeker); Xander Lub (Lector)
Exploring the Evolution of Autonomous Vehicle Acceptance through Hands-On Demonstrations
Rodrigo Encinar (Onderzoeker); Ángel Madridano (Onderzoeker); Miguel Ángel de Miguel (Onderzoeker); Martín Palos (Onderzoeker); Fernando García (Onderzoeker); J.F.B. (John) Bolte (Lector)
The business case for autonomous transport in the port of Vlissingen
Ahmad Mir Mohammadi Kooshknow (Onderzoeker); Evelot Westerink-Duijzer (Onderzoeker)
An Employer Branding Strategy to increase Brand Awareness of a Finance Employer among its Target Audience
Lennart Helder (Student)
Driving Performance in Patients With Idiopathic Cervical Dystonia; A Driving Simulator Pilot Study
van den Dool, J.; Visser, B. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Huitema, R. B.; Caljouw, S. R.; Tijssen, M. A. J.
Self-localization based on visual lane marking maps
Vivacqua, Rafael Peixoto Derenzi; Bertozzi, Massimo; Cerri, Pietro; Martins, Felipe Nascimento (Sensors And Smart Systems); Vassallo, Raquel Frizera
Behoeften Omtrent Wagenparkbeheer
Rick van Wetten (Student)
Cut-In detection by the use of a Neural Network
Sanne Geboers (Student); R.H.M. Smit; R.A. Mantel
'I did Not Have...'
R. Rawal (Begeleider); Lisa A. van Meegen (Student)