Structural Aspects of the ROS1 Kinase Domain and Oncogenic Mutations
Vilachã, Juliana F.; Wassenaar, Tsjerk A.; Marrink, Siewert J.
Blood‑based biomarkers for early frailty are sex‑specific: validation of a combined in silico prediction and data‑driven approach
Jelle de Jong (Phd); Martien Jaspers (Onderzoeker); Remon Dulos (Onderzoeker); Jessica Snabel (Onderzoeker); Marjanne van der Hoek (Onderzoeker); Feike van der Leij (Lector); Robert Kleemann (Onderzoeker); Jaap Keijer (Onderzoeker); Arie Nieuwenhuizen (Onderzoeker); Anita van den Hoek (Onderzoeker); Lars Verschuren (Onderzoeker)
DARTpaths, an in silico platform to investigate molecular mechanisms of compounds
Diksha Balla (Onderzoeker); Marvin Steijaert (Onderzoeker); Eefje Poppelaars (Onderzoeker); Marc Teunis (Onderzoeker); Monique van der Vloet (Onderzoeker); Marie Corradi (Onderzoeker); Elisabeth Dévière (Onderzoeker); Luuk Noothout (Onderzoeker); Wilco Tomassen (Onderzoeker); Martijn Rooseboom (Onderzoeker); Richard Currie (Onderzoeker); Cyrille Krul (Lector); Raymond Pieters (Lector); Vera van Noort (Onderzoeker); Marjolein Wildwater (Onderzoeker)
In vitro–in silico-based prediction of inter-individual and inter-ethnic variations in the dose-dependent cardiotoxicity of R- and S-methadone in humans
Shi, M.; Dong, Y.; Bouwmeester, H.; Rietjens, I.M.C.M.; Strikwold, M. (Lector)
Use of an in vitro–in silico testing strategy to predict inter-species and inter-ethnic human differences in liver toxicity of the pyrrolizidine alkaloids lasiocarpine and riddelliine
Ning, J.; Chen, L.; Strikwold, M. (Lector)
Selecting the dose metric in reverse dosimetry based QIVIVE
Rietjens, I.M.C.M.; Ning, J.; Chen, L.; Wesseling, S.; Strikwold, M. (Lector); Louisse, J.
Pathogenicity Interpretation in the Age of Precision Medicine
William S. Oetting (Onderzoeker); Steven E. Brenner (Onderzoeker); Anthony J. Brookes (Onderzoeker); Marc S. Greenblatt (Onderzoeker); Reece K. Hart (Onderzoeker); Rachel Karchin (Onderzoeker); Shamil R. Sunyaev (Onderzoeker); Peter Taschner (Lector)
Integrating in vitro data and physiologically based kinetic (PBK) modelling to assess the in vivo potential developmental toxicity of a series of phenols
Strikwold, M. (Lector); Spenkelink, B.; Haan, L.H.J. de
Multicriteria optimization enables less experienced planners to efficiently produce high quality treatment plans in head and neck cancer radiotherapy
Kierkels, Roel G J; Visser, Ruurd; Bijl, Hendrik P; Langendijk, Johannes A; van 't Veld, Aart A; Steenbakkers, Roel J H M; Korevaar, Erik W
Genotypic adaptations associated with prolonged persistence of Lactobacillus plantarum in the murine digestive tract
van Bokhorst-van de Veen, Hermien; Smelt, Maaike J.; Wels, Michiel; van Hijum, Sacha A.F.T.; de Vos, Paul; Kleerebezem, Michiel; Bron, Peter A.