Improving Spectral and Power Efficiencies of a MISO-VLC System via Hybrid Multi-Objective Optimization
Rocha, Helder; Pontes, Maria; Segatto, Marcelo; Wörtche, Heinrich (Sensors And Smart Systems); Silva, Jair; Da Silva Costa, Wesley (Sensors And Smart Systems)
A Performance Comparison of OFDM and Pulsed PHY Modulations in Optical Wireless Communications
Hinrichs, Malte; Costa, Wesley; Rocha, Helder; Pontes, Maria; Segatto, Marcelo; Paraskevopoulos, Anagnostis; Jungnickel, Volker; Freund, Ronald; Silva, Jair
Toward AI-Enhanced VLC Systems for Industrial Applications
Da Silva Costa, Wesley; Camporez, Higor; Hinrichs, Malte; Rocha, Helder; Pontes, Maria; Segatto, Marcelo; Paraskevopoulos, Anagnostis; Jungnickel, Volker; Freund, Ronald; Lima Silva, J.A.
Increasing the power and spectral efficiencies of an OFDM-based VLC system through multi-objective optimization
Da Silva Costa, Wesley; Camporez, Higor; Pontes, Maria; Segatto, Marcelo; Rocha, Helder; Silva, Jair; Hinrichs, Malte; Paraskevopoulos, Anagnostis; Jungnickel, Volker; Freund, Ronald
Energy calibration procedure of a pixel detector
L.H. Arntzen (Begeleider); C.A. Swarts (Begeleider); R.P.M. van der Boog (Student)
Design of a NIR concentrator system integrated in a greenhouse
Pieter Sonneveld; Gert-Jan Swinkels; H.J.J. Janssen; Elisa van Tuijl
Design of a Solar Greenhouse with Energy Delivery by the Conversion of Near Infrared Radiation - Part 1 Optics and PV-cells
Gert-Jan Swinkels; Pieter Sonneveld; G. Bot