The effects of virtual reality training for improving standing balance in chronic stroke patients
Killian Walsh (Student)
Infant Motor Milestones and Childhood Overweight:
Brouwer, Silvia (Sports Science); Stolk, Ronald P.; Bartels, M; van Beijsterveldt, CE; Boomsma, DI; Corpeleijn, Eva
Dynamical structure of center-of-pressure trajectories with and without functional taping in children with cerebral palsy level I and II of GMFCS
Pavão, Silvia Leticia; Ledebt, Annick; Savelsbergh, Geert J.P.; Rocha, Nelci Adriana C F
Postural sway and integration of proprioceptive signals in subjects with LBP
Henri Kiers; Jaap van Dieën; Simon Brumagne; Luc Vanhees
Test-retest reliability of muscle vibration effects on postural sway
Henri Kiers; Simon Brumagne; Jaap van Dieën; Luc Vanhees
A systematic review of the relationship between physical activities in sports or daily life and postural sway in upright stance
Henri Kiers; Jaap van Dieën; H. Dekkers; Harriët Wittink; Luc Vanhees
The effectiveness of the Bobath concept in stroke rehabilitation what is the evidence?
Kollen, Boudewijn J; Lennon, Sheila; Lyons, Bernadette; Wheatley-Smith, Laura; Scheper, Mark; Buurke, Jaap H; Halfens, Jos; Geurts, Alexander C.H.; Kwakkel, Gert