Can transformers transform financial forecasting?
Hugo Gobato Souto; Amir Moradi
Destination choices of international students in the Netherlands: A meso-level analysis of higher education institutions and cities
Tijmen Weber; Christof van Mol; Maarten Wolbers
Forecasting realized volatility through financial turbulence and neural networks
Hugo Gobato Souto; Amir Moradi
The functions of artificial salt marshes for fish
Daan van Houte (Student); Alco Nijssen (Docent); Brenda Walles (Begeleider)
Artificial reefs in the Caribbean
Hylkema, A. (Lid Lectoraat); Hakkaart, Q.C.A.; Reid, C.B. (Docent); Osinga, R.; Murk, A.J.; Debrot, A.O.
Integrated Blue Carbon Management on the Dutch coast
Thiri Htun Thiri Naing (Student); Anneke van den Brink (Docent); Dunia Rios Yunes (Begeleider)
Non-tree carbon stocks in mixed dipterocarp forests Sarawak Malaysia
Brinkhoff, C. (Student); Meer, P.J. van der
Testing the effectiviness of two methods for selectively trapping lionfish and estimating the feasibilty of a commercial lionfish fishery on Saba
Brokke, T. (Student); Veldman, R. (Student); Eerbeek, J. van; Heemstra, M.L.C.
Workshop on tradeoffs scenarios between the impact on seafloor habitats and provisions of catch-value (WKTRADE2)
Bastardie, F.; Berkenhagen, F.; Bitetto, I.; Goldsborough, D.G. (Lid Lectoraat)
Modelling the distribution of Galeorhinus galeus and Mustelus asterias in the Greater North- and Celtic Seas to provide recommendations for improved shark management under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Brefeld, D. (Student); Meyer, L. (Student); Bron, P.S.; Rippen, J.C.