“A Chinese Wall along our Eastern Border” – Allied Occupation Policy in Germany and its Consequences for Dutch-German Trade Relations, 1945-1949
Martijn Lak (Lid Lectoraat)
Fighting a lost cause
Mario Haaf (Student)
The inland shipping industry and its problems
Tamara M.C. Blonk (Student); Martijn Lak (Begeleider)
Youth involvement in the decision-making process in charitable organizations in Bulgaria through social media
Gergana Gergova (Student); Ivonne Louw-Dekker (Begeleider)
TTIP: EU GMO policy alignment?
Paul Shotton (Begeleider); Isabella Stojkovski (Student)
The transtlantic data transfer : the case of EU-U.S. relations
Tatjana Arnold (Student); P.G. (Paul) Nixon (Begeleider)
The triangular commercial relations
Büsra Durmuskaya (Student); Leo G.M. Tunderman (Begeleider)
FrieslandCampina & doing business in Brazil
P.M. Koelemij (Begeleider); Annemiek J.W.M. van Zeijl (Student)
Challenges and opportunities in firm-farmer relationships in commercial coffee: a case of Star Cafe Ltd and Small Holder Farmers, Uganda
Zonde, S.A. (Student); Hesselink, E.