Zocht je misschien: unive?
Prototype: CW4N case study 2
Kozhevnikova, A.; Bors, V.T.B. (Lectoraat Circulair Ontwerpen En Ondernemen); Galli, M.R.; Schoen, A.J.N.
“Once my front door – now my coffee table”; Advanced computational design and robotic production with waste wood
Malé-Alemany, Marta (Lectoraat Circulair Ontwerpen En Ondernemen); Schoen, Tony; Galli, Marco; Bors, Valentijn (Lectoraat Circulair Ontwerpen En Ondernemen); Kozhevnikova, Angelina; van Dijk, Liselotte
Lives of data
Mertia, Sandeep
Increased performance of DNA metabarcoding of macroinvertebrates by taxonomic sorting
Kevin Beentjes (Onderzoeker); Arjen Speksnijder (Lector); Menno Schilthuizen (Onderzoeker); Marten Hoogeveen (Onderzoeker); Rob Pastoor (Onderzoeker); Berry van der Hoorn (Onderzoeker)
Mainstreaming water quality in River Basin Management in the Brantas River Basin, Indonesia
Ertsen, Maurits; Setyorini, Daru; Nooy, Christa; van Beusekom, Martin; Boogaard, Floris; Arisandi, Prigi; Knegt, Jan-Willem
Performance of Unreliable Merging Lines with Uneven Buffer Capacity Allocation
Shaaban, Sabry; Romero-Silva, Rodrigo; Mujica Mota, Miguel
Value sensitive design of a virtual assistant for workload harmonization in teams
Maaike Harbers (Lector); Mark A. Neerincx
Reconstruction of high resolution MLC leaf positions using a low resolution detector for accurate 3D dose reconstruction in IMRT
Visser, R.; Godart, J.; Wauben, D.J.L.; Langendijk, J.A.; van 't Veld, A.A.; Korevaar, E.W.
Regional determinants of FDI in China: a factor-based approach
Martijn A. Boermans (Lid Lectoraat); Zhang Yi; Hein Roelfsema (Lector)
Comparison of wheelchair wheels in terms of vibration and spasticity in people with spinal cord injury
Sigrid Vorrink (Lid Lectoraat); L.H.V. van der Woude (Onderzoeker); Allon Messenberg; Peter Cripton; Barbara Hughes; Bonita Sawatzky