Essential program features identified by students working toward a doctorate in mathematics education
Scott A. Courtney (Onderzoeker); Anita N. Alexander (Onderzoeker)
Effects of instruction in writing-to-learn in different disciplines and types of education
A.C. van Dijk
Writing-to-learn in biology and mathematics teacher education: promoting students’ topic knowledge and insight
A.C. van Dijk; A.J.S. van Gelderen; F. Kuiken
The prospection of Saxion Career Services
Jellema, OD (Olivia) (Student)
Writing-to-learn: hoe schrijven het leren van taal en vakinhoud kan stimuleren
van Beuningen, Catherine (Lectoraat Taalontwikkeling En Meertaligheid I.O.)
Which types of instruction in writing-to- learn lead to insight and topic knowledge in different disciplines? A review of empirical studies
A.C. van Dijk; A.J.S. van Gelderen; F. Kuiken
Scaffolding genre-based writing in the subjects
Cindy Kuiper (Onderzoeker); Jantien Smit (Lector)
Al schrijvend leert men
Catherine van Beuningen (Onderzoeker)
Al schrijvend leert men
van Beuningen, Catherine (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding)
Keep Your Eyes on the Road, Kid!
Arisci, A (Ayla) (Student)