The relationship between fear of missing out, digital technology use, and psychological well-being: a scoping review of conceptual and empirical issues
E. Groenestein; L.M. Willemsen; G.M. van Koningsbruggen; H. Ket; P. Kerkhof
Fear of missing out and social media use: a three-wave longitudinal study on the interplay with psychological need satisfaction and psychological well-being
E. Groenestein; L.M. Willemsen; G.M. van Koningsbruggen; P. Kerkhof
Exploring the dimensionality of Fear of Missing Out: associations with related constructs
E. Groenestein; L.M. Willemsen; G.M. van Koningsbruggen; P. Kerkhof
The good, the bad, and the expert: how consumer expertise affects review valence effects on purchase intentions in online product reviews
P.E. Ketelaar; L.M. Willemsen (Lector); L. Sleven; P. Kerkhof
Webcare as an integrative tool for customer care, reputation management, and online marketing: a literature review
G. van Noort; L.M. Willemsen (Lector); P. Kerkhof; J.W.M. Verhoeven