Effectiveness of Teaching & Learning Practices in Finance for International Business Students
Grabovets, Kateryna
The Use of Self-regulation Strategies and Interactional Methods in Blended Learning Environments
Eggers, Jan Hein (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Oostdam, Ron; Voogt, Joke; Zijlstra, Bonne J.H.
Investigating young children's physical activity through time and place
Remmers, T; Koolwijk, P; Fassaert, I; Nolles, J; de Groot, W; Vos, S B; de Vries, S I; Mombarg, R (Sports Science); Van Kann, D H H
When and how do peers stimulate engaging in desirable difficulties
Dekker, Izaak (Lectoraat Didactiek Van De Bètavakken); Koerhuis-Pasanisi, Marie-José (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Koek, Martijn (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo))
Differentiating instruction: Understanding the key elements for successful teacher preparation and development
Langelaan, Berber N. (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Gaikhorst, Lisa; Smets, Wouter; Oostdam, Ron J. (Lectoraat Maatwerk In Leren En Instructie)
Physical performance in daily life and sports
Dijkhuis, Talko (New Business & Ict); Lemmink, Koen; Aiello, Marco; Velthuijsen, Hugo
Learning environments for multi-stakeholder participation in water management
Fliervoet, J.M. (Lector); Witteveen, L.M. (Lector); Roosmini, D.; Geerling, G.; Nastiti, A.; Mansoor, A.
The push forward in rehabilitation; validation of a machine learning method for detection of wheelchair propulsion type
Rienk van der Slikke (Onderzoeker); Arie-Willem de Leeuw (Onderzoeker); Aleid de Rooij (Onderzoeker); M.A.M. (Monique) Berger (Lector)
Pedagogic practices in healthcare placements
Lieke Ceelen (Onderzoeker)
Fostering task-readiness in venture creation education: an evaluation of the effect of hierarchically staging pedagogical approaches
Timmermans, Anoesjka (Amsib (Cedis)); Costa, Sílvia; Groen, Aard; Liñán, Francisco; Fayolle, Alain