Illness perceptions in people with chronic and disabling non-specific neck pain seeking primary healthcare: a qualitative study
M. Kragting; A.L. Pool-Goudzwaard; M.W. Coppieters; P.B. O'Sullivan; L.P. Voogt
Development and internal validation of a multivariable prognostic model to predict chronic pain after a new episode of non-specific idiopathic, non-traumatic neck pain in physiotherapy primary care practice
Martine Verwoerd (Onderzoeker); Harriët Wittink (Lector); François Maissan (Onderzoeker); Marc Teunis (Onderzoeker); Sander M.J. van Kuijk (Onderzoeker); Rob Smeets (Onderzoeker)
The OARSI Joint Effort Initiative
Bowden, Jocelyn L.; Hunter, David J.; Mills, Kathryn; Allen, Kelli; Bennell, Kim; Briggs, Andrew M.; Dziedzic, K.; Hinman, Rana S.; Kim, Jason S.; Martinez, Nina; Quicke, Jonathan G.; Tan Yijia, Bryan; van der Esch, Martin (Lectoraat Interdisciplinaire Zorg Voor Chronische Gewrichtsaandoeningen); Verges, Josep; Eyles, Jillian
Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric testing of the French version of the Knowledge and Attitudes of Pain (KNAP) questionnaire
Munneke, Wouter; De Kooning, Margot; Nijs, Jo; Leclercq, Julie; George, Clara; Roussel, Nathalie; Bornheim, Stephen; Beetsma, Anneke J. (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Reynebeau, Iris; Demoulin, Christophe
Wat is het effect van Virtual Reality op pijnintensiteit van volwassen chronisch pijn patiënten?
Aidan de Haan (Student)
Consultations Preliminary to Interdisciplinary Chronic Pain Rehabilitation
Baukje Stinesen (Onderzoeker); Petra Sneijder (Onderzoeker); Albère Köke (Onderzoeker); R. Smeets (Onderzoeker)
Physiotherapy with integrated virtual reality for patients with complex chronic low back pain: protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial (VARIETY study).
S. Slatman; R. Ostelo; H. van Goor; Bart Staal; J. Knoop
Physiotherapists Using the Biopsychosocial Model for Chronic Pain: Barriers and Facilitators - A scoping review
Han van Dijk (Onderzoeker); Albère Köke (Onderzoeker); Stefan Elbers (Onderzoeker); Jurgen Mollema; Rob Smeets (Onderzoeker); Harriët Wittink (Lector)
Trunk resistance to mechanical perturbations, associations with low back pain, pain-related cognitions and movement precision
Meta Wildenbeest (Onderzoeker); Henri Kiers (Onderzoeker); Matthijs Tuijt (Onderzoeker); Maarten Prins (Onderzoeker); Jaap van Dieën (Onderzoeker)
A study protocol for the validation of a prognostic model with an emphasis on modifiable factors to predict chronic pain after a new episode of acute- or subacute nonspecific idiopathic, non-traumatic neck pain presenting in primary care
Martine J. Verwoerd (Onderzoeker); Harriët Wittink (Lector); François Maissan (Onderzoeker); Sander M.J. van Kuijk (Onderzoeker); Rob J.E.M. Smeets (Onderzoeker)