Impairments and comorbidities in adults with cerebral palsy and spina bifida: a meta-analysis
J.N.T. Sattoe; S.R. Hilberink
Validation of the Rainbow Model of Integrated Care Measurement Tool in Parkinson's Disease
MDS Study Group on Management of Movement Disorders: Interdisciplinary and Integrated Care
Towards functional improvement of motor disorders associated with cerebral palsy: review
S. Bekteshi; E. Monbaliu; S. McIntyre; G. Saloojee; S.R. Hilberink; N. Tatishvili; B. Dan
The need for a diagnostic instrument to assess Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in people with dementia: findings from a Delphi study
D.C.D. Havermans; S.P.J. van Alphen; M. Olff; M. van der Velden-Daamen; F. Verhey; B.P.F. Rutten; P. Stuijts; J.M. Cook; S. Sobczak
Aging with cerebral palsy: a photovoice study into citizenship
V.G. van Heijningen; M. Cardol; H.J.M. van Heijningen-Tousain; D.M. Oosterveer; F. van Markus-Doornbosch; J.N.T. Sattoe; M. van der Holst; S.R. Hilberink
Physical rehabilitation interventions in children with acquired brain injury
Gmelig Meyling, Christiaan; Verschuren, Olaf; Rentinck, Ingrid R; Engelbert, Raoul H H (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Gorter, Jan Willem
Spreken, zingen en musiceren met de ziekte van Parkinson
Harris, Robert
Clinical practice: evidence-based recommendations for the treatment of Cervical Dystonia with Botulinum Toxin
Contarino, Maria Fiorella; Van den Dool, Joost; Balash, Yacov; Bhatia, Kailash; Giladi, Nir; Koelman, Johannes H.; Lokkegaard, Annemette; Marti, Maria J.; Postma, Miranda; Relja, Maja; Skorvanek, Matej; Speelman, Johannes D.; Zoons, Evelien; Ferreira, Joaquim J.; Vidailhet, Marie; Albanese, Alberto; Tijssen, Marina A. J.
Evaluation of a multidisciplinary epilepsy transition clinic for adolescents
A.L. van Staa; P.H.N. de With; L.M.C. Gottmer-Welschen; A.J.A. de Louw; S. Zinger; A.P. Aldenkamp; R.P.J. Geerlings