Graaf, J.W. (Jan Willem) de (Lector)
Roggema, Rob
Perceived autonomy of robots: effects of appearance and context
Maaike Harbers (Lector); Marieke M.M. Peeters; Mark A. Neerincx
The economic crisis and its repercussions regarding cooperation within the European foreign policy
M. (Mihaela) Anghel (Begeleider); P.G. (Paul) Nixon (Begeleider); Roxana Chirita (Student)
Awor nan ta yama nos criminal! (and now they can call us criminals!)
Rothfusz, Jacquelien
Civil disobedience and the ‘Top 50’ Dutch Caribbeans
Rothfusz, Jacquelien
6th CAPPE annual conference 2011
Rothfusz, Jacquelien