Developing a virtual reality application for online arts and psychomotor therapies using action research
Nathalie Jans (Onderzoeker); Hans Wouters (Onderzoeker); Joep Kolijn (Docent); Suzanne Haeyen (Lector)
Radical networks and terrorist action: the importance of social relationships and network positions
van Nassau, Casper S.; Diviák, Tomáš; de Poot, Christianne J. (Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek); Weerman, Frank M.
Ethiek en integriteit in onderzoek
Dons, Karolien
Cocreative Llearning is more effective than direct instruction argument on basis of Hanna Arendt’s Vita Activa
Jong, F.P.C.M. de (Lector); Brande, K. van den (Onderzoeker); Bent, M. (Onderzoeker); Bernasco, C.; Monginho, R.
It Happened Tomorrow
de Gaetano, Carlo (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci))
Expertise and Deceptive Movements in Sport
Raffan, Ryan; Mann, David; Savelsbergh, Geert
Experimentation at the heart of societal change
K. van Turnhout; P. Joore; A. Overdiek; W. Smeenk
Informal social support for families with children with an intellectual disability in Karachi, Pakistan
Lakhani, Arusa; Ali, Tazeen Saeed; Kramer-Roy, Debbie (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving); Ashraf, Dilshad
A structured process framework for digital servitization
N.A. Kerstholt; B. Rietdijk; F.T.H.M. Berkers
Aletta Dive
van Oostrom, Madelon; Metting, Esther