One Size Fits All? Employer Branding in Different Contexts
Hein, Antonia (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society); Elving, Wim (Application Of Hydrogen Within The Energy Transition); Koster, Sierdjan; Edzes, Arjen (Regional Labour Market)
Living labs and other experimental environments: dynamics and directions
A. Overdiek; E. van der Laan
Implementing Product-Service System Business Models in the Building and Construction Sector
Mattijssen, Philippe; Johannes, Koos (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap); Wakkee, Ingrid (Centre For Economic Transformation (Cet))
Enhancing water resistance of geopolymer concrete using biobased materials
Andrea Iannello (Student); Tina Suvorov (Docent); Marianna Ansiliero de Oliveira Coelho (Begeleider)
Lessons learned from 10 years of wind tunnel tests on small wind turbines designed by students
Schepers, Gerard (Wind Energy); Adema, Niels (Wind Energy); Lipian, M; Kulak, M; Shahid, A; Best, A; Bendre, T; Gallicchio, I; Elsabbagh, A; Mostafa, A; Kim, T; Mikkelsen, R; Gaunnaa, M; Teuwen, J.J.E.; Rudolf, R.T.; Wood, D; Holierhoek, J.G.
Advancing the Decarbonization of the Construction Sector: Lifecycle Quality and Performance Assurance of Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings
Emanuele Piaia (Onderzoeker); Beatrice Turillazzi (Onderzoeker); Roberto Di Giulio (Onderzoeker); Rizal Sebastian (Onderzoeker)
Energy Transition Readiness: A Practical Guide
Anna Sabidussi (Lector); Jack Wasser
Red onze chemische en farmaceutische industrie!
Visser, Martien (Energietransitie En Netwerken)
Optical Caliper for Tomato Head Thickness
Naomi van der Kolk (Lid Lectoraat); S.A. (Steven) van den Berg (Lector)