Zocht je misschien: enterprises?
Towards the Integration of Cyber Security and Enterprise Architecture to Improve Cyber Risk Management
Nick Nieuwenhuis (Student)
Conceptualisation and (Meta)modelling of Problem-Solution Chains in Early Business-IT Alignment and System Design
Stijn Hoppenbrouwers (Lector); Mark Mulder; Joris Sunnotel
Enterprise Architecture in Healthcare Networks
Arjen Maris (Phd); Stijn Hoppenbrouwers (Lector); Pascal Ravesteijn (Lector); Jos van Hillegersberg
The practical prospects of quantum computing for enterprises
Voetman, Roy; Mellema, Jordi; Balje, Jan (New Business & Ict); Groenboom, Rix (New Business & Ict)
Agile traits for enterprise architecture
Arthur Blackstone (Student)
Enterprise Architecture for Network Organizations
Arjen Maris (Onderzoeker)
Kubernetes Multicluster Architectures
Shishkalov, IS (Ivan) (Student)
BITInLine: A Serious Game to Enhance Business Information Technology and Strategy Alignment
Collou, L (Luuk) (Associatelector); Bruinsma, G. (Guido); Iacob, M.E. (Maria-Eugenia)
Aantoonbaarheid van GDPR-compliance van Topicus met behulp van Enterprise Architecture
Stam, RGR (Ruben) (Student)
Impact of business rule Management on enterprise architecture
M.C.A. van Steenbergen; Koen Smit; Martijn Zoet (Lector)