Unravelling the Web: Exploring Russian Interference targeting the EU during the 2019 European Parliament Elections
Santino Lo Bianco
Populism as a form of political communication
Jakub Rybnikar (Student); A. (Andreas) Funk (Begeleider)
The 2015 refugee crisis and political alienation in the EU
Kim Spaansen (Student); A. (Andreas) Funk (Begeleider)
European elections in Dutch talk shows
Noortje Berendsen (Student)
The circulation of political news on Twitter during the Dutch elections
Niederer, Sabine (Lectoraat Visual Methodologies); Groen, Maarten (Lectoraat Visual Methodologies); Rogers, Richard; Niederer, Sabine
Dutch political Instagram
Colombo, Gabriele; De Gaetano, Carlo; Rogers, Richard; Niederer, Sabine
The UKIP, ‘’the’’ populist party in the UK?
Jara van der Velde (Student); P.G. (Paul) Nixon; A. (Andreas) Funk
A case study on the high percentage of ‘NO’-votes in five Dutch municipalities during the Dutch referendum on the European Constitution
Willem Ruys (Student); M. (Mihaela) Anghel
How did facilitated access to citizenship, initiated by the 1999 reform of the Citizenship Act, affect political integration of citizens with migratory background in Germany?
Hannah L.N. Wilms (Student); Guido C. van Hengel (Begeleider)
Voter influence after Sweden's EU accession
Peter le Coq (Begeleider); Martin Söderberg (Student)